Undermining the case for helping the global poor

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2008
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The Church’s Responsibility to the Global Poor
Eds. Marijke Hoek and Justin Thacker. Paternoster. 214 pages
ISBN 978-1-84227-606-8

Micah’s Challenge is a response by the international Christian community to the challenge of meeting the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. Its objective is to deepen the Christian community’s commitment to the global poor and to strengthen its advocacy role.

The book itself is intended to provide the ‘underpinning thinking’ for the movement, including biblical and theological reflection and practical application. Its preface acknowledges its wide range of styles and emphases, written as it is by 14 different authors. Troublingly this has led to an unfortunate degree of overlap and repetition. It comes complete with a foreword by Gordon Brown and carries endorsement from all three main UK party leaders.

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