The Calvinistic resurgence in America

Erroll Hulse  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2008
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A journalist’s journey with the new Calvinists.
By Collin Hansen. Crossway Books. 160 pages. £7.22 (Amazon)
ISBN 978-1-58134-940-5

The Reformed faith has seen strong growth in the USA over the last 40 years, and seems to be gaining momentum.

This book investigates this welcome phenomenon.

John Piper

To discover more about the Calvinistic resurgence, Collin Hansen’s first call was to the ministry of John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. Hansen describes Piper (whose signature book Desiring God has sold 275,000 copies) as the chief spokesman for the Calvinist resurgence among young evangelicals. In the year 2000, 40,000 students gathered at a venue near Memphis to listen to John Piper on the theme ‘Don’t Waste Your Life’. Subsequently 250,000 copies of Piper’s book with that title have sold. If Piper is the most influential living leader in the resurgence, then Jonathan Edwards is the most read theologian from the past. In 2003, to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Edwards’ birth, 2,500, mostly pastors, met for a three-day conference in Minneapolis.

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