Eric Liddell — Olympic Champion and Missionary
By John W Keddie.. Evangelical Press. 256 pages
ISBN 978-0-85234-665-5
John Keddie appears to know more about Eric Liddell’s athletic performances than ought to be reasonably expected. His book is comprehensive about every significant rugby game Liddell played and every race Liddell ran in his golden sporting period between 1921 and 1925.
After these two opening sentences of the review I appreciate that you are on the verge of moving to another review unless you are something of a statistical anorak. Wait! Before you move on let me try and convey to you why the stats are not at all dull.
Wayne Rooney: humility in the face of adversity
Professional football has developed a New Year ritual based around the transfer window. In January, midway through the season, a …