First-time students

Naomi Skull  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2008
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Bite-sized inspiration for new students
By Krish Kandiah. IVP. 168 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-275-2

Aimed at students just about to go to university, Fresh is a book of daily biblical thoughts on issues they will face in the student world. The book is designed to be read a chapter a day for the first five weeks of term, and tackles dilemmas that will face many freshers.

As I read through the book I felt it was full of all the things I would want to say to students as they embark on life in halls, on their course, decide what church to go to and whether to get involved in CU. It really is an easy read; the chapters are short, ‘bite-sized’ chunks that only take a few minutes, but provide really helpful and thought provoking, biblical challenges each day.

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