Guided or misguided?

Marcus Nodder  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2008
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Talk to him. Hear from him. Really.
By John Eldredge. Thomas Nelson. 220 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-40028-005-6

Does God speak to you? Not through the Bible that is, but directly. If not, it will spiritually ‘handicap the rest of your life’, according to bestselling author John Eldredge, who claims that such ‘conversational intimacy’ with God is not only available but is meant to be normal. In Walking with God he opens his journals so others can learn from his experiences recorded over the course of a year.

The few pages spent trying to justify his position biblically take texts out of context and work on the simplistic assumption that if God spoke directly to the likes of Abraham and Moses then he must speak to us in the same way today. If Eldredge’s handling of Scripture is unconvincing, so are the numerous trivial, and at times pathetic, examples he shares. ‘Jesus, shall we fish? I hear, Fish.’ On one occasion he asks God if he should go horse riding, gets a ‘yes’, goes, falls off and ends up in hospital. What went wrong? Apparently he failed to ask God where he should ride!

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