Darby rides again

Alec Motyer  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2008
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God’s key to the redemption of the world
By David W. Torrance & George Taylor. Paternoster. 224 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978-1-84227-554-2

‘Israel’ is the present-day state of that name plus the rest of unconverted Jewry; ‘The Church’ is the worldwide company of converted Jews and Gentiles, and ‘Israel continues to be God’s servant and, together with the Church, is God’s instrument, God’s key, for the redemption of the world’ (p.2). There you have the topic of this book in one sentence.

Let us suppose that, like me, you can’t swallow such a view; nevertheless, you will benefit from reading this book (not least its seven rewarding appendices) for its research into the politics, past and present, of the Middle East — pretty scrupulously balanced and giving (me, at any rate) lots of information I had not previously known.

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