Examination preparation

Hannah van Dijk  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2008
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The Ultimate Exam Survival Kit
By Martin Cole & Andrew Roycroft
The Good Book Company (http://www.thegoodbook.co.uk)
48 pages. £2.50
ISBN 978-1-90556-455-2

Examination season is underway. Shops are stocking increasing numbers of highlighter pens, revision guides and caffeine-induced products.

Undoubtedly, Christian students can find it hard to keep perspective and focus in such a busy term, and it can be a time when personal prayer and Bible study are both neglected. Yet these are often the times when Christians are most in need of assurance and an eternal perspective. The Good Book Company’s Don’t Panic has been designed with precisely these aims in mind. It is a small leaflet-like publication, which provides four weeks’ worth of Bible study specific to the pressures of the examination period, with a selection of Old and New Testament passages, which have been carefully chosen and carefully taught. They will benefit young Christians from GCSE age upwards. I would also recommend Don’t Panic for university students but some may find the style a little patronising; I personally enjoyed the Bible banter! I think it’s particularly helpful and accessible for young Christians that haven’t got into the habit of daily Bible reading; the passages are manageable and the style extremely approachable. It is very well designed and has a funky, fun and accessible feel to it, even providing ‘mental floss’ in the form of some Sudokus and brainteasers. I would definitely recommend parents, youth leaders and teachers getting hold of a copy.

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