Belief in an Age of Skepticism
By Timothy Keller
Dutton. 294 pages. £12.00
ISBN 978-0-525-95049-3
Available from The Good Book Company (
In 1989 Tim Keller and his wife Kathy set out to plant a church in New York, perhaps one of the most secular, sophisticated and religiously sceptical cities on earth.
Today their church, Redeemer Presbyterian, has nearly 6,000 people in regular attendance, a host of daughter churches, and is engaged in planting churches in the major cities throughout the world. A large part of the key to this gospel success story has been quality apologetics. Tim has a great willingness to honestly engage the secular mind and address the doubts and reasonable questions which contemporary Westernised politically correct people have about biblical Christian faith.
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What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …