Wet behind the years

Erroll Hulse  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2008
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Key people involved in forming a Baptist identity
Volume Two: Beginnings in America
By Tom Nettles
Christian Focus. 510 pages. £17.99
ISBN 978-1-84550-073-3

What is a Baptist Church? What are the main features that constitute the identity of Baptists? This is the second in a three volume series which describe the Baptists as they have spread through the world but mostly how they proliferated mightily in the USA.

In the first volume Tom Nettles, who is professor of historical theology at Southern Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, described the emergence from the English Puritans of Calvinistic Baptists known as Particular Baptists because of their belief in a definite atonement. Alongside them developed a different stream of General Baptists, who were Arminian in doctrine.

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