Under construction

John McDonald  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2008
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A handbook for the visionary and the terrified
By Julia Cameron. 10 Publishing. 70 pages. £3 (or £2.50 in multiples of 10)
ISBN 978-1-906173-03-6

Are you looking at leading your church into a building project? Is your church leadership seeking to lead you into a building project that will be expensive and will change the way your building looks and is used? In either case, this little book will be a significant help to you. If you really want (as you surely must!) the whole church to be one in such a project, then buy multiple copies because that way it is cheaper.

Julia Cameron writes in short chapters and uses real church situations to exemplify what she wants the reader to know. She does not assume that the question, ‘Shall we build?’, will always be answered in the affirmative, but suggests three options to be considered in every case — the reader might think of others!

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