Doubtful demonology

Mike Taylor  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2008
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By Derek Prince
Derek Prince Ministries. 144 pages
ISBN 978-1-901144-38-3

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was a well-known international speaker and deliverance minister, yet with a problematic overemphasis on the demonic realm unfortunately reflected in this book.

The best part of the book for me was the final chapter (6), ‘The Work of the Cross’. Prince demonstrates a good understanding of the contrast between the Old and New Covenants, which he referred to as ‘law’ and ‘grace’. Here is much remarkable material very simply put, so that a person with little exposure to theology should be able to grasp the key issues and obey them. He clearly grasps and sets forth the overall argument of Romans. In regard to Romans 7.5-6, he commented: ‘Paul was not talking here about being delivered from sin, but about being delivered from the law’ (p.119). He is also excellent in stressing that God does not want us to be keeping a set of rules as such, but rather to be in a personal relationship with himself: ‘It is not effort, but union. It is not a new set of rules, but relationship. That principle is so plainly stated in the New Testament that it is amazing the majority of professing Christians have never known it’ (p.121). Yet Prince is far from being antinomian, as he says ‘deliverance from the law brings freedom to love. Just as the law and grace are opposed to each other, so are legalism and love. In a legalistic system, it is very hard to love’ (p.123). Then, commenting on Romans 13.8-10, he states: ‘Notice that, he who loves “has fulfilled the law”’ (p.123) and ‘That is very simple. In fact, the problem for theologians is that it seems too simple. Yet it is true’ (p.124).

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