Can we compromise with the Qur’an?

Anthony McRoy  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2008
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By Giulio Bassetti-Sani
Edited by Ron George. WIN Press. 188 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978-1-901012-66-8

Ron George — a man for whom I have the highest respect — and I will have to agree to disagree on the value of this book.

Perhaps my ex-Roman Catholic background has something to do with it, although I strained to be objective when reading this book by a Franciscan scholar. Clearly, the book is written from an RC context. Originally published, it seems, in 1977, it is also somewhat outdated in terms of the contemporary situation of Islam. However, apart from educating non-Muslims about Islam, it has one main objective — to encourage a positive attitude towards Islam and to read the Qur’an with a Christian ‘key’.

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