Newtonian appetiser

Wendy Sheehan  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2007
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Timeless pastoral wisdom from the letters, hymns and sermons of John Newton
Edited by J. Todd Murray. Evangelical Press. 282 pages. £9.95
ISBN 978-0-85234-653-0

This book has been published in the year that commemorates the 200th anniversary of John Newton’s death and the abolition of slavery in the United Kingdom. Together with the viewing in cinemas of the film Amazing Grace, there has been more interest in the life of John Newton. Many will have read Brian Edwards’s biography of John Newton, Through Many Dangers, but few will have ventured further into his writings.

In this book, Mr. Murray has gathered together many of his hymns, excerpts from sermons, books and letters. To make it very readable, he has made the book into five sections: So great salvation; Growing in holiness; Spiritual discipline; Pastoral ministry; and Hope beyond the grave — all with subsections. Each small section averages four pages, commences with a short introduction by Mr. Murray followed by John Newton’s writings. Suggested Scripture readings and a biblical verse on the theme complete it.

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