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Brock White  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2007
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Resisted & Repulsed
By John Owen
Abridged and made easy to read by Richard Rushing
Banner of Truth. 118 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978-0-85151-947-0

Nowadays a book described as ‘Puritan’, originally published in 1658, would be a turn-off for many readers, but Richard Rushing has clearly done a lot of work to reduce quite a large volume to a readable paperback. 23 short chapters and up-to-date language make it accessible and comparatively easy to read.

Temptation is a word not much used today, except in fun: we live in a world where anything goes, and the idea of temptation is not relevant. But, for a Christian, the commands of God are paramount, and his words are to be obeyed. Temptation is an ever-present reality, and has to be ‘resisted and repulsed’. This little volume is helpful in many ways, alerting us to the pressures of daily life, and the subtlety of Satan’s work. There is a good deal of fire in John Owen’s writing.

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