Where’s Dad?

Gail Curry  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2007
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By Amanda Lord
Authentic Media. 236 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 86024 575 6

As the title suggests, this book is about one woman’s search for her absent father who never even knew of her existence.

Told in her own words, the style is gripping, racy and easily read, which makes it a real page-turner, and the kind of book that anyone would enjoy. Brought up in a home with five sisters, all with different fathers, and a mother who despised the traditional family, the book records Amanda Lord’s journey from her past to be reconciled to the father she never knew. Her story is a sad commentary on the values that exist in our society and a testimony to the radical difference that Christianity can make to an individual and to a family.

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