The giver of Jesus

Graham Beynon  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2007
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The Holy Spirit in Scripture
By Nigel G. Wright
Bible Reading Fellowship. 144 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 84101 484 2

This is a readable and helpful overview of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. It covers the Spirit’s work in creation and revelation, the relationship between the Spirit and Jesus, the work of the Spirit in the church and the individual believer, and finally the Spirit and the future.

The approach in each chapter is a mixture of systematic theological argument and exegesis of relevant passages. While theological terminology is used, it is well explained and so it operates at an introductory level without being simplistic. Particularly helpful are the sections on the relationship between the Spirit and Jesus, especially in the Spirit as the ‘giver’ of Jesus.

The author follows a traditional Augustinian view of the Spirit as the bond of fellowship between the Father and Son and so refers to him as ‘the go-between God’. This position has been critiqued for its reduction of the personality of the Spirit — a weakness the author acknowledges, although to my mind never quite refutes.

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