No compromise

Margaret McNabb  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2007
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The testimony of history and Scripture
By Peter Slomski
Evangelical Protestant Society. 46 pages. £3 inc. p&p
ISBN 0 902111 02 7
Available from EPS, PO Box 306, Belfast BT5 7WA (028 9048 1920,

The author asks, ‘Was the Reformation a mistake? Were Christians wrong in dying for their faith at the hands of Rome?’ In these confused and compromising times this booklet comes as a clarion call to examine again the teachings of Roman Catholicism.

It is to the author’s great credit that he has managed to put so much into so few pages. This is an excellent ‘beginner’ for those needing a pocket history of Romanism. Being a former Roman Catholic, Peter Slomski writes from personal experience. With great clarity and conciseness he shows that Rome has not changed, but has simply ‘put on a new set of clothes’. ‘Rome is seeking to legitimise itself and minimise opposition.’

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