Finding our way from duty to delight
By J.I. Packer & Carolyn Nystrom. IVP. 290 pages. £9.99
ISBN 1 84474 142 7
Carolyn Nystrom has worked into book form a set of talks on prayer given by Dr. Packer in such a way that the co-authors at times speak individually of their experiences, while the content remains essentially Packer’s.
Their stated purpose is to tackle the paradox of why prayer, surely a natural activity for a child of God, constantly proves in practise a struggle and a duty rather than a delight. The book is not a manual on prayer and in no way an introduction to the subject for a young Christian. Rather it is a deeply challenging, yet encouraging, call to spiritual self-examination with the goal of a renewed and heartfelt trust in the triune God expressed in sincere and whole-hearted prayer.