No alternative

Philip Hacking  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2007
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Practical help for people struggling witth the Christian faith
By Neil Martin. Prototype Publications. 324 pages. £7.99
ISBN 0 9553219 0 5

It is a measure of the quality of this book that it kept my interest to the end, in spite of a diagrammatic structure which I failed to understand and an idiosyncratic way of giving Bible texts that I found slightly irritating. Moreover I am specially glad that it held me, because the final chapter dealt very effectively with the often neglected issue of any credibly satisfying alternative to the Christian faith in facing up to life’s dilemmas.

The author deals honestly with the struggles through which he has travelled with engaging warmth and yet it is a book with academic integrity and great thoroughness. Few Christians go through life without asking questions about the authority of Scripture, the problems of God’s sovereignty and our freedom, matters of personal assurance and even the existence and character of God. These are all here, guided by Bible passages but with nothing remotely trite.

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