Advice to parents

Peter Hitchcock  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2007
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By Dr. E.S. Williams
Belmont House Publishing ( 80 pages. £4.00
ISBN 0 9548493 0 2

This book aims to explain to parents and church leaders the amoral ideology behind sex education.

It is easy to read and illustrated throughout with pictures and quotations. Starting with a survey of the government’s attempts to reduce teenage pregnancy it concludes that, ‘over the last three decades successive British governments have succeeded in developing a contraceptive culture among children’. Using many extracts from literature sponsored by the Government’s Health Education Authority, the book shows how children are encouraged to discover their sexual orientation and do what they want. It describes the inappropriate use of sexual language and explicit images used by sex educators, although the conclusion that our children are ‘being groomed for a life of promiscuous sex …this is state sponsored child abuse’ is provocative and didn’t ring true to my experience as a secondary school teacher. One wonders whether the material presented is a fair reflection of sex education in our schools or just focused on the extreme examples. A strong link is made between the ideology of the sexual revolution and sex education, concluding: ‘The real objective of sex education is to destroy traditional morality and promote the amoral ideology of the sexual revolution’.

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