Doctors’ dilemmas

Klaus Green  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2006
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Talking about Ethics in Medicine and Technology
Edited by Tony Watkins. Damaris Books. 164 pages. £5.99
ISBN 1 904753 17 5

The stated aim of this series of books is bold and admirable — ‘to help Christians to engage with today’s issues, whether we are standing at the front of the church, or talking casually with our friends’. To achieve this Tony Watkins, the editor, has drawn together chapters from seven different authors, who approach ethical issues in medicine and technology from a number of different and interesting angles.

Dilemmas surrounding individuals who have been in the news such as Charlotte Wyatt and Terri Schiavo are helpfully discussed and analysed, and an overview of how biblical theology and modern technology relate to one another is provided by Dr. Trevor Stammers.

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