Where are the WMDs?

Paul Rogoff  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2006
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How an Iraqi general defied and survived Saddam Hussein
By Georges Sada (the Iraqi General) with Jim Nelson Black. Integrity Media Europe. 316 pages. £6.39 (Amazon)
ISBN 1 59145 504 9

This work is written by a tough, well-educated person who excelled as a pilot, general and informal diplomat during (and after) the presidency of a savage sociopath.

Sada miraculously escaped being killed in Iraq on several occasions. His knowledge and experiences internationally led some to urge him to present his insider account, particularly of the controversial issue of weapons of mass destruction. As an accomplished Iraqi pilot, he trained in Texas and Russia, giving a cross-cultural perspective. He developed meaningful friendships with a Canon of an English cathedral as well as a moderate Imam in America, whose influences are reflected in his vision. He pleads to the president of Syria to release to the UN the seeming massive stockpile of WMDs given to him by Saddam ahead of the weapons inspection.

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