Good for student work

Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2006
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Making a more persuasive case for Christ
By James W. Sire. IVP. 206 pages. £8.99
ISBN 1 84474 136 2

This is an excellent book. ‘Why do our arguments for Christian faith often fail to persuade?’ ‘How can we argue more effectively for Christ?’ Who doesn’t long to know the answer to these questions?!

James Sire writes for those who are prepared to give some thought to how they discuss the Christian faith with others. He starts off with ‘common logical fallacies’ — how some arguments are illogical or irrational from the very start. Lovers of logic (including me) will lap these chapters up. But if logical analysis leaves you cold, don’t give up! Skim read it and get onto the next bit.

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