Susannah & CHS

Shirley Jebb  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2006
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Morning devotions
By Susannah Spurgeon
(including |The Life of Susannah Spurgeon| by Charles Ray)
Banner of Truth. 250 pages. £7.00
ISBN 0 85151 918 0

Everyone who appreciates Spurgeon will be delighted to read about his wife and their courtship, marriage and ministry together.

There are valuable insights into the outworking of this great man's influence through the serving heart of Susannah. It is a tender love story. They first met when Charles was 19, a young preacher clearly up from the country. She was not very impressed! His approach to courting her was typical — he showed concern for her spiritual growth first and later asked her to read part of a poem, ‘If thou art to have a wife of thy youth, she is now living on earth, therefore think of her and pray for her.’ He then asked her in a whisper if she was praying ‘for him who is to be your husband’ Soon they were married. She realised he was no ordinary man and vowed never to hinder him by self-centredness. In their various homes the best room became his study and they lived simply, to be good examples to the young men who would be trained in their home.

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