Money, Work and Discipleship
By Neil Hood. Authentic Media. 326 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 85078 681 X
Forgotten Agenda consists of two books called ‘God’s Payroll — Whose work is it anyway?’ and ‘God’s Wealth — Whose money is it anyway?’ Neil Hood, the author, rightly notes that the subjects of work and money are often neglected in our churches’ priorities and teaching. He therefore takes a practical look at our attitudes to them and challenges us to be consistent and effective disciples in both areas.
Each book starts with a Foundations section, which presents the biblical background. The sections that follow apply this to work and money and provide many helpful case histories, quotations, thought-provoking questions and suggested actions. The final sections in both books provide a challenge to put what has been learned into practice.
Prioritising the gospel in our wills
I have a friend who pastored in the North West coast of the United States for many years called Randall. …