Believing scholarship

Steve Brady  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2006
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The First Sixty Years
By Thomas A. Noble. IVP. 336 pages. £19.99
ISBN 1 84474 095 6

Don’t let the title put you off! This is a great book, meticulously researched from primary sources and written with both clarity and energy.

Tom Noble draws a fascinating historical sketch of British Evangelicalism’s back room boys (and a few girls!) of scholarship and research over the past 60 years. He charts the history of Tyndale House, Cambridge, from its humble beginnings in 1944 to its present position as one of the world’s leading biblical research libraries. In addition, the Fellowship of the House (sounds a bit Tolkien!), that is its scholars and writers, are also included. From the few‚ who were fighting for more than the physical liberty of Great Britain in the 1940s, emerge the many‚ who now resource the church worldwide via the fruits of their scholarship.

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