Thorough and concise

Philip Hacking  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2006
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By David Jackman
Scripture Union. 240 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 84427 224 9

It is a sign of a good book when you can hear the author speaking through its pages. Here is vintage Jackman, thorough and concise. The theme of biblical over-view is very necessary in our day. David does not shirk the problems and earths them in human stories which do not spoil the flow of the argument.

The book is valuable for convinced Christians to assure us in our faith in Scripture as God’s Word. It is very helpful to the genuine seeker not afraid to use his or her mind and it can strengthen the arm of the former to reach the latter.

For myself it came as a renewed encouragement to take preaching from the Old Testament seriously. In an attempt to reject old allegorical methods and to avoid the temptation to make it a series of illustrations of gospel truths and no more, we are in danger of not offering rich treasures to our hearers. This book should be very stimulating to enjoy and share a good biblical hermeneutic with conviction and excitement. Good theology should make the Bible live and not bore our constituency.

Philip H. Hacking,

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