Imagine (DVD)

Peter Hitchcock  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2006
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‘How can we reach the UK? The new Imagine DVD is an exciting, innovative resource from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, for Christians who want to address the challenge of living well as fruitful, missionary disciples in today’s rapidly changing culture.’

When I received this advertisement via email from LICC recently I ordered the DVD immediately and wasn’t disappointed.

For everyday life

Presented by Mark Greene, it asks some poignant questions of the Christian community whose cultures can so easily be characterised by task-orientated relationships and the programme-driven activities in the world around us. It challenges a target-driven attitude to mission that is more focussed on making converts than making disciples. It asks: Are we a whole-life community, committed to addressing all of life? Are we a disciple-making community, committed to developing the kind of relationships where we are genuinely helping one another to live, grow and flourish in Christ, through all the seasons of life?

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