Intimate love affair

Brian Moody  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2006
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The Song of Songs simply explained
By Gary Brady. Evangelical Press. 256 pages. £8.95
ISBN 0 85234 606 9

Living in a world where mistaken and perverted ideas of what true love is abound, and where the spoiling of God-given sexuality is seen to be the norm; it is refreshing to pick up a book that deals with these issues seriously and biblically.

In 12 chapters of easy-to-read length, the author explores what the Song of Solomon says about the intimate love affair of a young couple, reflecting on the ‘nature’ of true love in its awakenings, its continuings and its failings; dealing with the issues of intimate sexuality in love sensitively and honestly, while continually drawing our attention to the covenant relationship of love on both the vertical and horizontal levels.

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