Vol. 1: Chronicles of the Ancient Church
By Mindy & Brandon Withrow
Christian Focus. 223 pages. £5.99
ISBN 1 84550 082 2
Vol. 2: Chronicles of the Medieval Church
By Mindy & Brandon Withrow
Christian Focus. 223 pages. £5.99
ISBN 1 84550 083 0
These books are written by two authors who work at Westminster Theological Seminary in the US.
The two volumes are written in a modern and relaxed style with plenty of action and dialogue. Characters such as Polycarp, Origen, Boniface and John Wyclif leap out of the pages. They are a brave attempt to introduce church history to a wider readership and are aimed at children aged 9-14.
However, as the print is small and a little faint and the prose is hardly broken up except by chapter headings, I doubt whether the average nine-year-old would find the books immediately appealing. The reader needs to be very literate to cope with some of the sentence construction and language. Fiction and fact are intermingled and the stories are exciting and with a hint of gore in places.