Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that, for preachers, the more they properly studied church history the better the preacher they would be. There is no doubt some truth for all of us in that, whether preachers or not, and the internet is an excellent place to start learning.
A website, properly designed, aims to present more than just printed pages; it invites the viewer to interact with information that is visual, dynamic and audible. A site like this devoted to church history could make for a fun and informative experience for people of all ages. There is nothing quite that grand available yet, but the excellent presentation of the history of the English Bible at http://www.williamtyndale.com/ is a definite step inn the right direction.
Tyndale visited Martin Luther in 1525 and there is a free library of the latter’s works at http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-luther.html, including his monumental commentary on Galatians. Like http://www.ccel.org/c/calvin/, which has the best collection of Calvin’s works, this is a plain text site, useful for specific research.