How to transform yourself and your world
By Dave Toycen. Authentic Media. 164 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 932805 10 9
Deceptively easy to read, this powerful book could scarcely fail to inspire a reader to be more generous in every way.
The author, President of World Vision in Canada, has a wealth of experience in helping needy people. In a mixture of moving anecdotes and wise reflection, he shows us what generosity is, why it matters, and what should inspire us to be more generous. Principle and practice are nicely woven together. There is an appendix inviting us to answer questions to determine if we are greedy persons (very challenging!). Plenty of practical suggestions are included, such as the example of the city centre worker who makes double the sandwiches he needs for his lunch every day so he has something to give to homeless folk on the way to work. The effect is inspiring.