A fair start

Eric Lane  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2006
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Living a new kind of life
By Andy Peck. CWR. 221 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 85345 348 X

Most publishers have at least one book on Discipleship on their list. This is the offering of the Crusade for World Revival. Andy Peck is ‘a writer, trainer and Bible teacher with a special interest in coaching and leadership … an editor with Christianity magazine’. His book arises out of the discovery that ‘the modern concept of coaching has parallels with the way Christ coached the Twelve’ and others. ‘I identified 180-plus occasions where Christ tells us what to do’.

There are 30 chapters arranged in six parts: 1) Christ as our teacher and model; 2) the fundamentals of our relationship with God through Christ. 3) his total transformation of our lives from within; 4) how this affects our relationships; 5) our impact on the world; 6) the life to come.

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