Professor Dubious strikes again!

Andrew Wilson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2005
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Exposing the fault-lines in the C of E
By Leslie J. Francis, Jeff Astley & Mandy Robbins. Paternoster, 182 pages
ISBN 1 84227 382 5

Fragmented Faith is a disappointing book of statistical analysis, whose conclusions are a mixture of the obvious and the dubious.

The book constitutes an analysis of a survey conducted among readers of The Church Times in 2001. A total of 9,000 replies were received, but analysis was limited to Anglicans in England who attend their church at least twice a month, bringing the working figure down to 7,611 (5762 laity and 1849 clergy). 15 key themes from the survey are covered in the book.

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