Watching the web

Stephen Doggett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2005
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As is well known, traditional mainstream media, such as newspapers, are on the wane.

When it comes to being informed, the internet is increasingly king for younger generations. This is old news (in an old medium) and many quarters of the church are already wise to this. There are plenty of online Christian news, review and opinion sites but perhaps none that yet carry the same weight online as the most established evangelical newspapers and magazines do offline. This goes against the grain of the culture at large.

Reformation 21

Into this mix, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals ( — a Reformed organisation that includes R.C. Sproul, John McArthur, Don Carson and many other renowned teachers — has launched a serious monthly ezine (online magazine) that promises, in its own words, to become a ‘go to’ place for pastors and intelligent laypeople. Positive and pastoral, combines editorial comment on topical matters with related articles, sermons, reviews and — a prerequisite for any new website — a daily blog (weblog). Young as it is, October will see the third edition of the magazine — reformation21 is not yet as comprehensive as it might aspire to be but it will doubtless grow if it proves popular.

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