Leave it on the shelf

Fiona Johnston  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2005
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By Richard S. Taylor
CWR. 110 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 85345 316 1

‘A thinking layperson’s introduction to theology.’ ‘Genuinely evangelical doctrine.’ ‘Teaching doctrine is the goal.’ This book promises much and may be eagerly bought by the ‘thinking Christian’ it is aimed at. Beware! Appearances are deceiving. Leave it on the shelf!

The book follows a question and answer format in chapters on various topics: the Bible, God, Satan, God’s Sovereignty, Divine Providence, Sin, the Atonement, Faith. The questions are not so much questions you may be asking, as an opportunity to give the answers the author wants you to hear. While his views on the Bible appear to be orthodox, his treatment of God deals only with the Trinity. The Westminster Shorter Catechism answer to question four gives us more information about God in one answer.

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