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Rachel Lawrence  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2005
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By Michael and Hilary Perrott
Crusade for World Revival (CWR). 106 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 85345 331 5

This is a well-presented book that has been modelled in design on the Highway Code. It is printed on good quality paper with liberal use of coloured ink, tables and graphics. As such it is very easy to read and would appeal to readers who ordinarily find it difficult to read dense text on the page.

At the heart of the book lies the acronym ‘C.A.R.E.F.U.L.’, which is used to highlight ‘the seven secrets of a happy marriage’ which, we are told, influences whether a marriage ‘thrives or even survives’: Communication, Affection, Respect, Encouragement, Forgiveness, Unselfishness and Loyalty. Each chapter is presented as a series of bullet points providing practical wisdom which is broadly biblical. There are snippets of more specific biblical teaching throughout the book which reflects the Christian faith of its authors, but the book aims to outline principles which ‘can be followed by people of other faiths or none’.

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