Church health check

Rupert Bentley-Taylor  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2005
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By David Jackman
Banner of Truth. 306 pages. £6.95
ISBN 0 85151 885 0

1 Corinthians can seem a daunting letter to understand. It is quite long and touches on many sensitive and controversial issues, such as church divisions, marriage and singleness, and spiritual gifts, to name a few. This excellent commentary by a seasoned Bible teacher would help any reader to get to grips with the message and relevance of the letter.

It is not a technical commentary exploring all the issues and interpretations in detail (which occasionally leaves one wishing for more), but is very much geared for the ordinary individual Christian or group Bible study. It is designed to be user-friendly, with a complete outline of 1 Corinthians at the end, and questions prepared for group discussion.

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