Mission in change

Rodney Moss  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2005
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Global Mission at the pic 'n' mix counter
By Richard Tiplady. Paternoster Press. 196 pages. £8.99
ISBN 1 84227 244 6

This book tackles the important subject of how we carry out mission today in the light of the changing world we live in. It is not written primarily for the individual Christian seeking how to be personally involved in the Lord's commission, but for those who are involved in the process of enabling mission: mission agencies, church leaders, etc.

Changes in society and the world around us are obvious, and this book discusses their impact on mission today. Some may try to ignore the effects of change, while others become despondent and conclude that mission in the UK is in terminal decline. The author is convinced that the latter is not the case and challenges us to face up to what is happening and think through how we can best respond.

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