How we see Jesus

David Gibson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2004
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By Colin J. D. Greene
Paternoster. 434 pages
ISBN 1 84227 015

This book seeks to analyse the interaction between Christology and culture at different stages of world and intellectual history.

Colin Greene suggests that three main Christological trajectories have dominated this history: cosmological (Jesus as the eternal logos); political (Jesus as Lord) and anthropological (Jesus as representative exemplar). He argues that this third type consisted of certain strands which would come to dominate the Enlightenment reduction of Christology to simply the quest of the historical Jesus. After outlining these three main approaches, the rest of the book is an analysis of what Christology has looked like in modernity and then in postmodernity. Greene's aim is both to show that certain cultural paradigms have always shaped the way Christology has been constructed from the biblical text, and to critique the presuppositions and method of these constructions.

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