Human rights and Christian wrongs?

Paul Lusk  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2004
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Its culture and moral confusions
By Howard Taylor. Rutherford House. 99 pages. £3.99
ISBN 1 904429 00 9

Modern societies concentrate enormous power in the institutions of the state and the market. Government and big business project their presence and their authority into every corner of our lives. They bring comfort and convenience to everyday life.

But unrestrained, both the state and the market can unleash enormous destruction on people, property and culture. We restrain this power through the exercise of 'rights'. The right to associate freely with others for a common purpose, to communicate freely within reasonable restraints, or to sell our labour at a fair price, are some of the rights without which life would soon become hideous. Every time we join with fellow believers to praise God, we are exercising rights which are protected in law and custom. It distresses us that these rights are denied to so many around the world.

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