Eds. Trevor Archer & Tim Thornborough
The Good Book Company. 68 pages. £5.00
ISBN 1 904889 06 9
At his fifth attempt, the Editor of EN has finally sent me a book I can recommend 'avec plaisir'. But as writers and film-makers know, it is much harder to portray goodness than shortcomings!
This book is the second of a planned trilogy of books published especially for the Men's Conventions. Rock Solid aims to get to grips with 12 great truths that together form the crux of what it means to be an 'evangelical'. Some of these are doctrinal, such as the penal substitution of Christ, justification of believers by grace alone, the reality of judgement. However, others are of a more practical nature - the centrality of Bible teaching, the priority of evangelism, the importance of the local church.