At the interface between science and faith

Professor David Watts  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2004
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Science, faith and ethical challenges
By Denis Alexander & Robert S. White . Lion Publishing. 220 pages. £8.99
ISBN 0 7459 5141 4

There are several possible models of science/faith interaction. The fires of the warfare model continue to be stoked by the extremes of Dawkins and Atkins versus anti-scientific modes of biblical literalism. However, in Kirsten Birkett's phrase, Science and Christianity are 'unnatural enemies'. Approaches in terms of complementarity and integration are strongly to be preferred, and have been the guiding theistic philosophy of giants of physical science, such as Kepler, Faraday, Clark Maxwell, J.J. Thomson, Schawlow, Isham and Pople.

The present volume develops that integrative methodology. The title, Beyond Belief, refers not to what is incredible, but to tasks that lie beyond the onset of faith. The evangelical Christian authors - an immunologist and a geophysicist - are eminent in their specialist fields and also in the science /faith arena. Part I addresses introductory aspects of (a) science and (b) religion - or specifically Christianity. This is helpful, in that it is frequently underestimated how much first principles need articulation and discussion. Too often debaters assume we are all singing from the same hymn-sheet! Yet both these areas of life are currently subject to popular rejection and misunderstanding.

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