Watching the web

Stephen Doggett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2004
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This month I have been trawling around in cyberspace and here are four websites I found interesting.

Keen readers of this paper will already have noted the new CASE (Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education at the University of New South Wales) site - - but it is mentioned again for the excellence of its stimulating essays on contemporary topics. An encouraging and healthy diversion that will appeal to anyone with an interest in theology, the arts, science or politics.

Continuing in a scholarly vein, contains some engaging discussions on scientific matters but its progressive creationist stance (belief in billions of years and life pre-Adam) means that it frequently paints too low a view of Scripture and too high a view of that which can properly be understood by the scientific enterprise. Far better, perhaps, for those concerned to keep abreast of the latest developments in the scientific world, is to sign up for the Creation Research newsletter, Evidence News, at Praise God for the depth of the riches of his wisdom.

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