Perseverance for pastors

David Abernethie  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2004
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How to stay fit for a lifetime
By Peter Brain
Matthias Media. 260 pages. £10.00
ISBN 1 876326 73 5
(Distributed in the UK by The Good Book Company, 0845 225 0880)

'This is a book of unusual insight and pertinent, practical wisdom for both minister and the congregation', writes David Jackman in his foreword. Peter Brain, the author shares, in a very readable way, lessons learned through 30 years of pastoral ministry, both in the local church and now as a bishop in the Australian church, pastoring pastors.

The book has much to teach and challenge us in a church climate where many churches are searching for pastors, where a growing number of pastors are quitting full-time ministry, and too many conflicts and misunderstandings exist between pastor and congregation. Leadership in any church is increasingly demanding in today's world, even in the context of a rediscovery of team ministry and the outworking of the New Testament emphasis on the total ministry of the body of Christ. Peter Brain powerfully speaks into this situation.

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