Sermon index

Stephen Doggett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2004
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As anyone who has searched will know, searching for sermons or Christian literature online can be a discouraging and time-consuming task. Though there are many wonderful and faithful websites, sadly, there is also much that is misguided, false, or blasphemous, often deliberately so.

Therefore, the idea behind a new Canadian-led website - - is welcomed. The site aims to provide, in one place, an extensive range of Christian sermons. From Charles G. Finney to Charles H. Spurgeon, John Stott to Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Billy Graham to Iain Paisley, and George Whitefield to Watchman Nee; the website acts as a central database of sermons (mainly audio though some are written). The range of preachers is wider than that generally available on other websites, and therefore requires the listener to be more aware of the strengths and weaknesses of particular preachers.

At present the catalogue is limited, though still impressive. Five preachers have more than 100 sermons available - A.W. Tozer, Stephen Kaung, Leonard Ravenhill, David Wilkerson, and Carter Conlon. However, users (or 'posters' in cyber-speak) can upload material themselves, thus building a globally accessible storehouse of Christian sermons - in a sense, creating a Christian (and legal) version of the illicit Napster music website that proved so popular before it was shut down.

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