Women's studies

Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2004
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By Sharon James
Evangelical Press. 287 pages
ISBN 0 85234 546 1

Good Christian biographies are a real find - and this is just that. It describes the lives of four godly women who lived between the 17th and 19th centuries in England and America - Margaret Baxter, Sarah Edwards, Anne Steele and Frances Ridley Havergal. They are four very different women, with very different experiences, but they all share one thing: a deep love for their Lord and a wonderful desire to serve him at all costs.

Sharon James has presented her material beautifully. In each case, she sums up the historical context in which her subject lived, she describes the different phases of her life, and concludes with an assessment of her character and significance. There is a selection of writings for each (journal extracts, letters, hymns, etc.), which contributes to the overall portrait of each woman.

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