Realistic hope

Sheila Stephen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2004
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By Paul Bradbury
Triangle SPCK 108 pages £7.99
ISBN 0 281 05458 4

I started reading this book at midnight in a 'dustbin' of an NHS A&E department, sitting next to the hospital bed of my father who died two weeks later. Maybe I was hoping for a dose of the 'it'll be all right' platitudes that some Christian books provide.

Instead I had to chew over the sort of issues that C.S. Lewis was so good at offering to the thoughtful reader. The personal story of a father coming to terms with the life-threatening illness of his first child is interwoven with spiritual reflections and hard questions. The reality of suffering is never comfortable and the author is honest in sharing his struggles and his questions and even dares to expose his anger with God.

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