Come back, Francis Schaeffer

Ray Evans  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2004
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Issues and Prospects
Eds. Craig Bartholomew, Robin Parry & Andrew West. IVP. 348 pages. £12.99
ISBN 0 85111 399 0

Flowing out of a day conference at the University of Gloucestershire (on the same theme as the book's title) comes a collection of 11 essays examining the 'trajectories' that evangelicalism could take in the future. The subjects covered are theology, the church, biblical interpretation, biblical theology, mission, ethics, world-views, spirituality, philosophy, the charismatic movement (in the UK, US and globally) and politics - enough issues to keep you thinking for quite a while!

All these issues are important to face up to. Too often evangelicalism has bred a 'keep your head down as the bullets whiz by' approach to thinking about anything, let alone the unknown future. The contributors, too, are noteworthy, and include Alister McGrath, Eugene Peterson, Graeme Goldsworthy, Kevin Vanhoozer and Chris Wright. As you would expect from such writers, a lot that they say is very helpful.

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