
Tim Mitchell  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2004
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Justice, wealth and eco-Christianity
By Helen Jaeger
Scripture Union (Youth Resources)
118 pages. £4.99
ISBN 1 85999 641 8

The up-and-coming generation see through the lie that says that we can build an ideal world, but they still care. They avoid formal reasoning (e.g. 'This is justice and it's real, not limited to philosophy or unreadable books', p.16), but they still think. Therefore Helen Jaeger writes in the informal language of youth to help them care more.

She takes three broad subjects: justice in an unjust world, wealth among a wealth-obsessed people, and caring for God's creation (including us). Her concern is not to argue the rights and wrongs of particular issues, but to ignite a desire to live in a distinctively Christian way. She does not speak to the great and the good, but the ordinary and the sinful.

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